The very best places to shop for local produce.
Now call me biased, but when you live in the middle of 'nowhere' with fields surrounding. You may appreciate how over-the-moon I was, when, on one sunny day I walked across the field to find The Teviot Smokery & Watergardens, sitting proudly on the main road.
Yes!, they smoke their own Salmon, this is Scotland after all.
They also have a wonderful Deli selling Fine Wine & Exotic produce from all over the world. As well as a plethora of outstanding Scottish produce. They Stock THE most fantastic golden-yolked eggs , which I am hooked on. (Daft fishing pun, I know!) The restaurant dooes a great smoked and pickled fish tasting platter too, which comes with brown bread Yum!. As well as doing some shopping you can partake of the bracing Scottish air, and have a walk down, and around The Water Gardens.

THE SPOTTY DOG. LAUDER. (the best for organic!)
The first time I stumbled upon this place, I was on my way to a business meeting in Edinburgh. I was desperate for a caffeine fix, and I really didn’t want a ‘burnt’ tasting abomination. The coffee served to me was outstanding. A really good balance of flavour. I don’t think I have ever described a cup of coffee as ‘delicious’ but it was, and still is. In my opinion it is the ‘perfect’ cup of coffee in the whole of The Borders.
The service is outstanding, and the staff/owners are friendly and knowledgeable about the products they stock. It is a pleasure to shop here.
I rushed in returned when I had more time, to see what this gorgeous deli sold. I have a preference for Organic Food, and this local place is stocked to the rafters with pretty much everything you need to fill your pantry with fine Organic produce.
I asked the owner which product he was most passionate about this month, and he pointed me towards the Chilli Jam, locally produced in Peebles. It comes in four flavours, and is good for cooking with, as well as to use as a condiment. I bought the ‘Damn Smokey chilli Jam', and it really is quite wonderful.
As I was paying, I noticed that they supply ORGANIC VEG, FRUIT & SALAD BOXES, delivered to your door. Over the moon, I signed up for a regular delivery. This place is just what we need here in The Borders. It is a local delight.

D. R. Collin Fish
Eymouth. Berwick. Kelso.
In Kelso there is an unassuming fishmonger called D R Collin. This is a very ‘secret’ fabulous place to buy excellent quality fresh, local fish. The ‘secret is that apart from selling us local folk, fish for our supper, they also put food on the tables of Michelin starred restaurants the world over, from Tom Kitchen in Edinburgh, to Alain Ducasse & Thomas Keller in Paris.
Review and Photos Laura Marsh

'Catch of the day'... Just off the boat... so fresh they were moving.
This ‘little’ fish shop is one hell of a local company, of which we should be very proud. We should also be honoured to have this as our local shop, for locals counting the pennies it is worth noting that they are so much cheaper than the supermarket. They have been winning awards for their products, since their opening in 1952.
I was fascinated by the variety they sell, so I went down to their main outlet by the harbour in Eyemouth, to find out more.
Posing with a prawn pot on Eyemouth Harbour.
Review and Photos Laura Marsh
Local live brown crab.
Once there, I took some fantastic photos of fish arriving by boat, so fresh that they were all breathing. I interviewed Paul Virtue, who told me that they export live Langoustine, Lobster & Shellfish to China, France, Italy Spain, New York & Las Vegas. I personally find it a shame that locals don’t buy much of this high quality local Shellfish, which goes from our shores to these fabulous places where their locals seem to appreciate OUR fish more than we do. We should appreciate shellfish a whole lot more, as it is so low in fat, high in protein, and full of zinc, which fights off colds and boosts the immune system. I do buy these products, as well as the more common types of fish. The quality and taste of fish and shellfish, this local, and this fresh, is far superior to that of the pre-packed supermarket variety.
The photo that I named ‘catch of the day’ shows a Plaice that was moving; it had only just come off the boat. The Shellfish were all happily swimming around tanks constantly supplied with fresh water: thus keeping them in optimum ‘health’. Fresh is one thing, but all the shellfish I saw were not only fresh, but very alive and very feisty too! The Langoustine are inexpensive, so next time you fancy Scampi, forget the frozen, and whack a few of these beauties in your pan. They are also so good simply grilled with garlic butter, or a couple of drops of olive oil and garlic, (healthier) with a squeeze of lemon at the end. The local Lobster is sold for between £10 and £20, (depending on the time of year) why not have one as a ‘treat’ dinner, as a change from Steak. One large Lobster will easily feed two with chips and salad, costing you approximately £100 less than a restaurant. Turn it into a light pasta sauce and it will feed four!
Colin also has a cooking plant, where they cook Prawns and Crabs. Each fish shop sell these freshly prepared for you, saving you the work.
I am a ‘foodie’, and I respect quality ingredients. Yes I love to cook and prepare food myself, but I also love to support our fabulous high quality restaurants too.
I have always wanted to go to Rick Stein’s Restaurant in Padstow and taste his amazing Seafood… I just found out that D R Collin supplies him too! Journey saved, as I leave handing over cash for a Huge Brown Crab, a Scottish Blue Lobster and a half a dozen huge Langoustine, all very much alive. You will just have to keep an eye on the recipe section to see what I turn them into.
Coming back with the fish.
Very fresh haddock
Paul Virtue showing me those beautiful Lobsters. (the tanks behind him are full of very live and happy Lobsters.
Large Langoustine, moving quite fast...
Live Oysters from Lindisfarne.

Peelham Farm - Local Organic Meat
How amazed was I to find our very own local, sustainable, Organic meat producer. Peelham Farm is exceptional. You can order online and they magic your order to you very quickly. Or you can tell them what you want and they’ll bring it to Kelso Farmers Market for your collection (or Edinburgh) if you prefer. With produce so fresh, they offer a longer fridge life than most supermarkets.
Specialising in their own organic rare breed pigs, you can be sure of high quality pork and bacon with a wonderful selection of very meaty and gluten free sausages. The Toulouse are delicious as are, the Pork and Sage. I am looking forward to trying the other varieties too.
I rang to place an order, and was informed by one of the very friendly owners that the sausages are freshly made on a Tuesday, and it was advisable to let them know my requirements so that the meat could be butchered accordingly. Fresh, fast and friendly, no wonder so many of Scotland’s top chefs use their produce, from the utterly fabulous Café St Honoré in Edinburgh and Andrew Farlie at Gleneagles.
Their outstanding Organic local Lamb, (coming in cheaper than my supermarket charges, for a non-organic and poorer cut) was tender and delicious. I made wonderful juicy Lamb kebabs, marinated in Extra Virgin Olive oil with a touch of Cumin, Oregano, Mint, and Salt & Pepper. The plump, lean juicy meat simply seasoned this way and cooked skewered, on charcoal was heavenly served with a squirt of lemon juice, flatbread and salad.
They specialise in Ruby Veal, humanely produced and a far cry from the Veal of the 1970’s and 80’s. Elsewhere baby male dairy calves are shot at 4 days old, as they are not required for milk production. Peelham Farms little darlings are left to grow, and have a happy time being raised outdoors in a stress free environment, on their mother’s milk and later, naturally grass fed, this makes the meat high in Omega 3 and tender due to lack of stress hormones. A healthy and delicious choice.
If you want high quality meat, assurance, traceability, and Organic, then place an order online with this excellent local company. You will not be disappointed.
At Kelso Farmers Market
Peelham Farm
Foulden. Berwickshire.

Review and Photos Laura Marsh
Happy rare-breed pigs!
A change from bangers, mash and onion gravy...
...check out my recipe under the recipe section!
Exquisite. Artisan.Tempting.
15 The Square. Kelso.

New Scotttish Craft Shop.... With a really nice line in Scottish Organic produce, and cool hampers to treat the 'foodie' in your life. I took home some of the Scottish chocolate company iQ'S superfood AWARD WINNING CHOCOLATE. It's yummy beyond belief!