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They say a healthy breakfast makes the day. So today I started with my light Scottish breakfast. (Balance is everything) This does not contain added sugar, but the reduction really makes the fruit sugars come alive.


Take I punnet of Organic fresh Blueberries, (frozen will do) wash. Place in a small saucepan on a low heat, and as the burst ‘squish’ them with a spatula. Turn up the heat, and boil fast, stirring all the time until they reduce a bit (about 3 to 4 mins), & that’s it! THAT SIMPLE! Fresh, healthy and great with Oatcakes for a lighter Scottish breakfast. Keep your ‘Jam’ in a pretty bowl covered with cling. It is fresh ‘jam’, without sugar or preservatives, but it will keep in the fridge for 3 to 4 days. Enjoy! x

Impromptu Recipes...

Fresh Blueberry 'Jam'

TWO-SECOND WALNUT PESTO (suitable for dairy free)



(With optional roasted asparagus)


100grms Organic Walnuts (one supermarket packet is normally 100grms)

A small pot of growing basil (rip the lot of stalks and all)

2 fat cloves organic garlic

3 tablespoons best extra virgin olive oil

Place all the ingredients in a food-processor & blitz until fine.

Put in a Kilner jar and press down with the back of a spoon to get the air bubbles out(air makes it go off quicker) & top up with some extra olive oil (this acts as a seal to keep it fresh, remember to top up the oil every time you take some out!)

Take 100grams of Organic Spaghetti (per person) and boil according to instructions. (No more than 10 mins) Take an egg cup of the pasta water out, and put aside. Drain the pasta.

In a non-stick frying pan warm one heaped tablespoon of your fresh made Pesto when hot stir in the egg-cup of starchy water (makes it saucy – Yum!) toss in the pasta, season to taste. I add Parmegiano, but if you are dairy intolerant, add a sprinkle of Garlic & Herb breadcrumbs. I have mine with some lightly oiled and dry roasted asparagus and a nice glass of Red.  Enjoy! X

Two-second Walnut Pesto.

With Organic Spaghetti & 'roasted' Asparagus

Words and photos. Laura Marsh


So there I was in the supermarket, wondering what to have for dinner, and I found myself at the fish counter, looking for something different & exciting. In front of my eyes was the most perfect fresh fish, I have ever seen in a supermarket. Eyes glistening, (the fish not me) a sure sign of freshness, was a Bream. It was so firm and fresh, I had to buy it. Cooked like this, it was delicious. The white firm & juicy flesh, without any bones was a pleasure to eat.

BREAM in foil, with Fennel, Lemon, Flat-leaf parsley

1 fresh small Bream (per person)

1 Slice of Organic Lemon

4 Sprigs Flat–leaf Parsley

1 slice of Fennel, as well as the ‘trimmings’ of the top of the Fennel.

Pinch of S & P

4 drops of Olive Oil.

Pre-heat the oven to 190

Cut along the backbone of the fish opening up a ‘pocket’ (really easy to do, honest!), then run your blade along the other side of the backbone opening up another ‘pocket’. Remove the head and tail, remove the backbone attached to the main bone section. Now all the bones have been removed at once. You haven’t cut all the way through and you have this beautiful fish pocket.

Fill the pocket with the slice of Lemon, slice of Fennel & sprigs of Parsley. Put the Olive oil on top of the fish and season.  Place the ‘trimmings’ of Fennel under the fish. Wrap tightly in the foil, and place in a small roasting dish. Bake for 15 to 20 mins (depending on your oven)

Open the package carefully (to stop you losing all the delicious juice). Serve with Griddled Asparagus and some boiled Organic Salad potatoes. Enjoy!



Bream in Foil with Fennel, Lemon & Flat-leaf Parsley. (it's quick)

Valentine’s Day Treat.

TRUFFLE & PARMESAN CHIPS (an indulgent ‘side’)

Here is the recipe as asked for by our Vegetarian friend… I say make the chips yourself for better flavour. But with your limited sight, Oven-chips are far safer. This is that Valentine’s Day treat you asked for!  Xx  

Valentine's Day treat

Truffle & Parmesan Chips. 

It is pure ‘food-bling’. I hope everyone else loves it too! (They also go well with steak, and salad, for carnivores like me. Yum!)

Serves One. (add more as required... Ooh, I say Matron!)

Cook a portion of good quality oven chips until golden and hot. ‘Dry’ on kitchen roll to blot excess oil.

Finely grate over one whole truffle, and some Parmesan or Pecorino, whilst hot and season with Black Pepper.   

(Jars of L’Aquila Truffles (containing about 3) are available from the specialist section of Sainsbury’s, (even here in Kelso) or Valvona & Crolla in Edinburgh, and many independent Deli’s nationwide.

Lobster with a Shellfish reduction sauce on a bed of wilted Spinach.

After that amazing trip to D R Collin & Son, master shellfish purveyors in Eyemouth, I returned with a lovey local Blue Lobster. Half a dozen Langoustine, and a Huge Brown Crab. This is what did with the beautiful Lobster.

Boil the Lobster (after killing it) for 13 mins in a large pot of boiling salted water. Remove the tail and shell; discard the grey feathery bits, known as ‘dead man’s fingers’. (I served the claws and legs as a salad starter with a dab of lemon aioli) In a heavy pan brown the shells along with and half an onion, a fith of a carrot, half a stick of celery, three peppercorns, until lightly roasted.  Deglaze with some white wine. Add a litre of good fish stock and simmer until reduced by half. Remove the shells, add a quarter of a teaspoon of tomato paste and cook for a couple of mins, then blitz. Put back in a saucepan and reduce by half again. Check the seasoning, and adjust. Add some fresh chopped tarragon and a small splash of cream. Warm the halved tail (‘vein’ removed) in a little butter in a small sauté pan, serve on a bed of wilted Spinach topped with your sauce. Enjoy!

Tuna Benedict on lightly toasted Ciabatta (a very pleasant change from ham… and with way more crunch!) Serves One.

Half a Ciabatta

Small amount of Flora or Butter for above

2 Organic Little Gem Lettuce leaves (washed and dried)

60grams of Organic Baby Spinach

Half a small clove of garlic chopped finely

A quarter of a teaspoon of Extra Virgin Olive oil

60 grams Drained Canned Tuna (the best you can afford)

1 teaspoon of drained small capers (in brine and vinegar)

Half a teaspoon of Dijon mustard

1 organic Spring onion sliced finely

Half a teaspoon of Organic mayonnaise

1 Organic Egg.

Salt & Freshly cracked Black Pepper


Tuna Benedict on lightly toasted Ciabatta


Drain the tuna and combine with the capers, (don’t rinse, the salty vinegar works in this dish) Mayonnaise, Dijon Mustard & Spring Onion sliced finely, and a twist of Black Pepper.

Wilt the spinach in a quarter of a teaspoon of Extra virgin Olive oil and a Half a teaspoon of water, and the chopped small half clove of garlic,  and a tiny bit of salt and Black Pepper, over a high heat. When wilted squeeze out the remaining liquid and keep warm in the pan

Put the split Ciabatta in the Oven to warm or Toast Lightly (whichever you prefer)

Poach your egg in water until done to your liking.

Now you are ready to assemble:

Lightly ‘butter’ your bread

On one Half place two leaves of little gem, this acts as a barrier and prevents your bread getting soggy.

Top with the warmed Spinach

Top with the Tuna mix

Lastly top with a Poached Egg!

Enjoy! Xxx (Make two for a romantic breakfast, or have it solo for a sexy supper)

My Griddled Veg Platter

What I did with some of the veg in my Organic Veg Box from The Spotty Dog.

I have to share this with you. My 'weekend' starts on a Monday night, as I have Tuesday's and Wednesday's off. I, like everyone else, love 'fun-food' on my weekend, but that’s not an unhealthy take away for me!

I grab a bulb of fennel, some spring onions, a pepper, some artichoke hearts, and my griddle pan. I slice the veg into the thickness of a pound coin, rub it with some good olive oil (not too much as it catches fire!)And griddle it for a few mins. This is super fun to eat, and super healthy. Once everything is griddled. (I don’t add seasoning yet, as I love the sweetness that comes from the spring onions, and the natural flavour, Fennel is so great and mellow like this.

It is what I do with it afterwards that’s the fun bit. Anyway, back to the griddled veg. I lay it all on a big plate, when it’s cool, I cover it with cling film and keep it in the fridge.

I can take out a portion whenever I fancy. It goes great seasoned with a squirt of fresh organic lemon juice.

Or made up into a platter like the one shown.

Here I have Organic Hummus, Organic Wholemeal Tortillas, Salad, and even a leftover bit of griddled Parma ham. Olives are great too. (Griddled Chorizo, you know those thin slices, that always get left over are superb like this).

I put a ‘splodge’ of Harissa, or a few pickled Chilli’s’ on the plate. It is so healthy and yummy! It is my weekend take away. I love it so very much. I hope you try it and love it too!

Peelham Organic Toulouse Saussages

with Pickled Slaw, Jacket & BBQ Sauce

I love a Toulouse sausage, yet I always seem to go for the classic preparation of serving them on a type of French Puy lentil casserole, served with greens.

This time I thought that I would bake an Organic potato till soft, and top it with a tablespoon of low-fat crème frâiche mixed with some chopped chives, salt and cracked black pepper.

Meanwhile fry the sausages in a few drops of olive oil, pouring off the excess oil as you go.

The BBQ Sauce is quick, a splash of real maple syrup, a couple of tablespoons of Cider Vinegar, one 'grate' of garlic (go easy with the garlic here, too much kills the balance), a tablespoon of tomato paste, salt & pepper, and three tablespoons of water. All you do is combine all the ingredients in a saucepan, and reduce rapidly until you have the flavour balance you like.





I made a quick pickled slaw. I did not want the extra added fat of mayo. (The potato had the crème frâiche, if you remember) Use shredded veg of your choice; I chose carrot, onion, cabbage, and fennel. The pickled bit is a made quickly with a tiny pinch of sugar dissolved in a tablespoon of boiling water, with two 'threads' of grated garlic, then add a tablespoon of cider vinegar, a splash of Green Tabasco hot sauce and a smattering of finely chopped flat leaf parsley. Season and you are ready to go! Enjoy!

Spoil your Ma on Mother’s Day.....
BUCKWHEAT PANCAKES 3 WAYS. (Also suitable for gluten free folk!) It’s yummy… what’s not to love?

...with creamy male walnut sauce

... with Eggs Benedict.


1 Small tumbler of Buckwheat Flour (75g)
1 good pinch of baking powder (ordinary or gluten free)
One Organic Egg
... 1 Small tumbler of organic Semi-Skimmed Milk. (10 tablespoons)

Indulge your beloved Mum, with special a pancake for one! (Just make more topping if you’re having more for breakfast, as you will have enough batter for 4)

Back to the Recipe…. So let’s start with Buckwheat Flour (you all know that too much wheat is bloating, so work with me on this) Buckwheat Flour is NOT wheat it is a relative of the Rhubarb plant, and Russians have been making Blini’s out of this for centuries. It’s great for savoury or sweet pancakes, so here goes…

In a bowl, combine the flour, egg, and pinch of baking powder & whisk, add the milk slowly whisking all the time, (you may not need all of the milk, as it depends on the size of your egg) to form the consistency and appearance of extra-thick cream. (These pancakes are not thin crepes but are more like the American thick ones.)

Now get out two small non-stick frying pans.
Wipe the bottom of one with a well-oiled piece of kitchen roll and place on a high heat. When hot, put in a good dollop, (small ladle) of the pancake batter, and swirl round. Cook till golden on one side and then flip over, and cook the other. Then take out, and place on a warmed plate.

In the second pan place a portion of quartered strawberries and a tablespoon of real maple syrup, and heat just for a few seconds, you don’t want ‘mush’ but at this time of the year strawberries are not as juicy as in summer months. Tip onto your pancake lovingly, and add a dollop of cream. Enjoy! x


1 Buckwheat Pancake as per recipe above.
Small Knob of Flora (Or Butter if you prefer)
1 tablespoon of Organic Walnuts
2 tablespoons of real Maple Syrup. (Don’t even bother with the fake stuff. Who wants chemicals as a treat?)
1 tablespoon of cream
A dollop of cream to serve
A shake of cinnamon to serve.
Put the cooked Buckwheat Pancake onto a warm plate.
In the second pan place a tablespoon of Organic Walnuts and a quarter of a teaspoon of flora (or butter) and put on a high heat. When sizzling, swirl around, and add the Real Maple Syrup, and cream. Put back on the heat, for only a second or two, (as this will reduce quickly, and you may end up with no sauce if you cook it for too long!)immediately pour over the pancake, top with a tablespoon of organic whipped cream, and a good shake of cinnamon, and enjoy! Happy Mother’s Day.




(this recipe is also good as‘bread’ substitute for those who are gluten intolerant in place of a muffin)

1 Buckwheat Pancake as per recipe
2 slices of Parma Ham
1 Poached Organic Egg
2 Tablespoons of Hollandaise Sauce
(If children are making this, they can use a portion of good, fresh supermarket Hollandaise Sauce, which is by the Smoked Salmon.)
Don’t bother with the jar type, as it is not as good as the fresh. Yes it’s better to make your own, but this is MUM’S TREAT, and you want it to go smoothly.

‘Snipped’, chives to serve.
Poach 1 Organic Egg

Cook the Buckwheat Pancake as per recipe above.
In the second pan fry two pieces of Parma ham quickly until golden, place onto the pancake, top with the egg and two tablespoons of Hollandaise Sauce and the ‘snipped’ chives. Just see Mums delight!




The cheapest Chilli ever! Yummy, Mexican, fun, & healthy. (Without a box, sachet or packet in sight)

Once a week I love a Steak, once a week I love Roast Chicken, and I also love to have a couple of Veggie based dishes too for variety and health. I don’t want them boring, my five-a-day has to be exciting, inspiring and a real flavour burst! Balance makes for healthy eating.


This is cheap, and, the most delicious chilli ever! It is quick to prepare, only about 10 – 12 mins, then it takes 40 mins in the oven to develop its amazing flavour. So folks, go and have some fun whilst it’s in the Oven.

I use all Organic, as I have previously said, I don’t want to eat pesticides, and genetically modified food. Please use the best that you can afford.

Preheat Oven to 190.

Main Ingredients

1 teaspoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 large onions very finely sliced (finer, cooks quickly!)

2 pinches of salt

Pinch of unrefined brown sugar

2 big cloves of garlic grated

3 tablespoons of tomato paste

1 can of kidney beans (400 GRAMS)

1 can of chopped tomatoes or Passata (400 GRAMS)

1 empty can (as above), filled with water

Teaspoon of Organic fat free yoghurt, and couple of olives for serving. I also like to accompany it with a salad including avocado, with a fresh lime juice, & olive oil dressing, for that authentic Mexican touch. Some tortillas work well too!


Herbs & Spices

(It is good to measure these out onto a saucer, it’s quick and you don’t forget anything!)

1 Bay Leaf

Quarter of a teaspoon of Smoked Paprika

Quarter of a teaspoon of Cumin

3 tablespoons of Paprika

3 pinches of dried Oregano

2 teaspoons of Bart wet Coriander

1 Tip of a knife of Lazy Chilli (no need to blow your head off, you want to taste all the flavours; but it is worth remembering that the ‘heat’ of the chilli does vary, so I always taste at the very end of cooking and adjust accordingly.)

(I find Bart Coriander and Lazy Chili a cheaper option, than always buying fresh. The rest of the jar stays fresh in the fridge; a bunch of fresh herbs goes limp if you are not using them in the next couple of days. The same applies to Chilli)

2 teaspoon of soy sauce

1 cube (7grms) of Organic (72-85%) Dark Chocolate

Squeeze of Lime.

The list of main ingredients are ridiculously small, but it is in the method of slowly cooking the onions, and toasting the spices, then cooking, for the full 40 mins that makes this a rich, almost ‘meaty’ dish. Vegetarians love it, and meat eaters don’t miss the lack of meat; like a good vegetable curry, spices mean this dish is not lacking in any way. In summer it is a great, sharing party dish. In the winter it makes my soul smile! It is a real ’sunny’ dish, even on the greyest of British days.

In a large pan sauté the finely sliced (not chopped, tastes different) Onions in the teaspoon of Olive oil, move them around and add the pinch of salt, this draws out the moisture, and helps them to break down well, turn down the heat, clamp on a lid and cook for 10 mins stirring occasionally. You don’t want them to brown; just soften, at this stage.

Then add the pinch of brown sugar, to caramelize the onions, cook for a few minutes until brown; add the tomato paste and cook out for a second, then add the spices and garlic, and, cook for another second. Quickly add the Tomatoes or Passata (whichever you prefer), to stop the spices burning, stir. Now add the water, then the drained and rinsed Kidney Beans. Add the wet Coriander, Chilli, Dark chocolate and soy sauce, stir, put in an Oven proof Casserole dish. Cook covered for 30 mins in the oven, then cook for the last 10 mins with the lid off. Check seasoning is to your liking; add a squeeze of lime to make this dish sing.

Serve with Mexican rice and trimmings. (As shown)


MY TEX MEX RICE (Takes only two mins)




1 quantity of cooked boiled rice. (If you prefer you could use a pouch of Tilda cooked white basmati rice)

Half a small tin of sweet tender Sweetcorn

1 Spring onion washed and finely sliced Half of a teaspoon Organic Tomato Puree

A pinch of Paprika

Fingernail size knob of butter

Half a cup of water

Pinch of salt and fresh ground black pepper



Fry the Tomato Paste for a couple of seconds, stirring all the time.

Add the Paprika

Add the water

Add the Rice


Add the sliced Spring Onion and the Sweetcorn.

Cook on high for only two mins. This should be a bone dry rice dish. Add the knob of butter and taste to check the seasoning. Adjust if needed. ENJOY! XXX

© 2013 L.A.Marsh.

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